Stay Secure. Stay Anonymous.

Hacking is not a course or something, It is a talent and skills in yourself.

How to code live?

This is the platform to code your projects and websites as well as widgets using HTML, CSS, JS(Javascript). We provide online coding IDE for coders. You can make your codes run online directly in the browser in our portal. Hacking requires programming skills so hurry up and code here.

Avoid dummy hacking

Avoid dummy hacking

Never ever try hacking without perfect knowledge and skills

Don't try shortcuts

Don't try shortcuts

Do not believe in short tricks and stay away from fake hackers and their contracts

Don't use third party tools

Don't use third party tools

It may cause copyrights or illegal action on ownership.

Develop 100% skills

Develop 100% skills

Learn languages, tools, programming, coding etc

Use professional forums

Use professional forums

There are lots of forum platforms available on the internet like STACKOVERFLOW

Use your own

Use your own

Make your scripts and use widgets code from internet as reference.

Learning Department

Learn different languages like HTML, C++, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python.

Recent Blog Posts

Read our latest upload about tools and much more.

Introduction to HTML
What is Braa?


Here You Will Find The Answers Of Your Most Asked Questions

1. What is xplorepedia?

Xplorepedia is the continuously developing platform for the users who are interested hacking, cybrary, AI, Technology and many more scopes. The xplorepedia will move to new domain and feature in future as XAVIERLINUX. This is the platform where you can learn about hacking tools, hacking programmes, programming languages and live coding in browser as weel with advanced IDE.

2. What is Hacking?

Hacking is not an art or something, it is your talent and skills to gain unauthorized access to data in a system or computer. Hacking can make anything possible in this digital world. In one way it is good while in another way it is bad. Either you can use for good or bad.

3. Hacking is legal or illegal?

It depends on many factor like your purpose, your actions and your output etc. If you use hacking/programming skills for good purpose or to help others then it is not illegal. Some people use it to steal confidential data of a company, person, crack the servers, leak information, steal bank money, spread harmful computer viruses for bad purposes.

4. How to be safe from hacking?

Actually it is not possible to prevnt hacking and vulnerabilities of our system completely. But we can use security systems/update security levels of our devices/systems often. There are many softwares or services available on the internet to keep our data safe from hackers.

5. Can I become a hacker?

Yes, you can. You are at the right place to become hacker. Here you will get articles about hacking, tools, scripts. Most advanced softwares and tools info is available here. You can get anything easily by contact us in few hours.

6. What does xplorepedia includes?

Interesting question... 1. Articles for kali linux tools and use. 2. Online coding platform for HTML,CSS,Javascript. 3. Scripts related to programming. 4. Guidance about hacking and career.

6. What is Kali Linux?

Kali Linux is Debian-derived Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It is maintained and funded by Offensive Security. It is an OS(Operating System) for hackers with advanced tools. It has major feature that it already rooted to bypass all basic security levels. It contains hundreds of tools for various purposes.

7. Who is Anonymous?

Anonymous is a decentralized international activist/hacktivist collective/movement that is widely known for its various cyber attacks against several governments, government institutions and government agencies, corporations, and the Church of Scientology.

8. Is there scope for hacker?

Yes, 6 simple steps to get suceed which are mention below.